When the vendors would fill their carts with fresh almonds, we knew that Spring was here. We would buy them for an after school snack and eat them whole with a sprinkle of sea salt. So crunchy! and the white almond jewel inside was still tender and oozing its milk....
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Kafta in pita
The first time I had this dish was in Lebanon when a childhood friend took me to a restaurant called Taaj El-Moulook (meaning The kings’crown) in Broummana. She had ordered it for us, it is called arayess, along with a thousand other items for our mezze. I absolutely loved it and vowed...
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Kibbeh in yogurt sauce
This was my all-time favorite dish growing up. I absolutely loved the creamy yogurt sauce flavored with streaks of garlic and fresh cilantro, the hollow kibbe balls that I would break open with my spoon in order to dip them in more sauce and stretch the pleasure. I consider kibbe...
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Berry smoothie
I bet a lot of people don’t know that the word “sherbet” comes from the Arabic language. I guess Arabs who had to live in hot temperatures devised the notion of smoothie and sherbets centuries ago. I remember in Beirut when I would go downtown with my mother or...
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Semolina Bars with cranberries
I just LOVE cranberries. I discovered them when I moved to the U.S. I would always buy a bag around Thanksgiving, wishing they were available year-round. And guess what? They are super good for you! They have more antioxidants than 277 food stuff and most fruits! I figured why not use...
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Eggplant salad
This salad, which goes by the name of “monk’s salad” salatet al raheb is just delicious and light and perfect for a Summer day by the pool or at the beach. It will convert even those who are not that fond of eggplants! Its unusual name (in arabic) al raheb refers to...
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Fatayer (Spinach turnovers)
I wish you could have tasted Asma’s fatayers! They were the best in Beirut! The dough was so thin and translucent and so buttery. The spinach filling was melting with just the right touch of tartness. Asma was a Kurdish lady and mother of seven, who immigrated to Lebanon from...
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Veggies in pita
I bet a lot of people when told to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables picture in their head some iceberg lettuce covered with ranch dressing, or the ubiquitous Caesar salad with all the croutons and creamy cheese sauce. In the Lebanese cooking, folks actually love their vegetables, which take...
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Hummus (Chick-peas hummus)
I get so annoyed, actually fuming when I see mediocre or downright disgusting hummus served all over America. I guess I take it personally. In Dallas, it is served at American and Iranian and Greek and Indian restaurants, in addition to so-called Mediterranean restaurants. It never tastes how it should! Since...
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