Halvah-chocolate brownies
August 23, 2020 • Category: Dessert
Halvah or haleweh as it is called in Lebanon is the equivalent of peanut butter in popularity in the US. I was told that even in the Lebanese Army, conscripts eat it for breakfast. I have been experiencing a regain of interest for it since I have been here, maybe because it is available fresh and there are many excellent brands, all local. Halvah is just tahini with sugar syrup basically; it is sold at all Middle Eastern stores, even Latino and specialty stores in the US or online.
This was a way I came up with to incorporate it to brownies. Alice, (daughter), who does not like halvah, liked it.

Halvah-chocolate brownies
Joumana Accad Mediterranean, Middle Eastern August 23, 2020 Dessert, brownies, halvah, chocolate,8 servings
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 25 minutes
• 2 large eggs
• 3/4 cup of raw granulated sugar
• 4 ounces of unsalted butter
• 1/2 cup of unbleached all-purpose flour +3 tbsp.
• 1/2 tsp baking powder, dash of salt
• 5 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate
• 2 tbsp. of cocoa powder
• 4 ounces of halvah
• 2 ounces of milk
• 1/4 cup of tahini
• 1/4 cup of sugar
• 1 large egg
• 1 tsp of vanilla
• 1 tsp of instant coffee (optional)
1. Melt the butter and chocolate in the microwave for one minute; stir to melt the chocolate gently. Set aside.
2. Beat the eggs with the sugar until thick and light-colored. Add the chocolate mixture and the vanilla and coffee. Mix to combine. Add the flour, previously mixed with the baking powder and salt.
3. Melt the halvah with the milk over low heat until the halvah is dissolved and the mixture is creamy; cool and add the tahini and sugar, mix well to combine. Add ¼ cup cornstarch, mix to combine. Spread a parchment paper over an 8-inch brownie pan and pour the chocolate mixture and halvah mixture into the pan, alternating the two. Spread with a spatula if needed to even them out.
4. Bake in a 350F (180C) oven till puffed up and a toothpick inserted in the middle edge comes out rather dry. Cool and serve.
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