Semolina pudding

January 17, 2016  •  Category:

semolina pudding

Are you the type who takes on more projects than you can handle? I was reminded of this unfortunate trait while cleaning-out my kitchen cupboard this week. Oh, right, this bag of …(plug in something), that’s when I was going to make …

This pudding was the answer to some leftover semolina flour. Normally, semolina flour is used to make sweets like ma’mouls or nammoura (a type of eggless cake) or sometimes as a filler for kibbeh, or in puddings. It comes from the hard wheat used in Italy for pasta. Wheat seems like a bad word these days, but hey, it fed humanity for centuries.

This pudding is comforting, easy, and cooks in 5 minutes.


semolina pudding

Semolina pudding

Joumana Accad Mediterranean, Middle Eastern January 17, 2016 Dessert, lebanese, homemade, desserts, tagged, semolina, pudding, traditional,

4 servings

Cook Time: 15 minutes


2 cups milk (whole or low fat)
1/2 cup semolina flour
2 to 4 Tbsps sugar (can substitute honey)
1 1/2 tbsp unsalted butter
Flavoring: 1 tbsp of rose water or orange blossom water or vanilla or the grated rind of an orange or 3 crystals of mastic, pounded with a teaspoon of sugar till powdery in a mortar
Garnish: 1/4 cup of apricot or other jam (one teaspoon per serving)
Candied orange slices (see note on how to make them below)


1. Place the milk, butter, sugar and semolina flour in saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a simmer, stirring, and keep stirring until the mixture thickens. Add the flavoring at this point, stirring a few seconds to combine. Transfer to serving cups and cool. Cover and keep in the fridge till serving time.

candied oranges

To make the candied orange slices:

1. Slice a couple of smooth-skinned oranges as thin and as evenly as possible. Place in rows on a baking sheet. Prepare a syrup (1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water, boiled for 5 minutes) and drizzle over the orange slices. Try to cover the slices with as much of the syrup as possible. Bake in a very slow oven (about 170F) for as long as necessary. The slices need to get crisp (as crisp as possible) and the syrup should have evaporated (as much as possible).

Save in a closed container in the fridge. It is OK to keep them in the oven for 12 hours or longer, until they dry out completely. Just make sure they don't burn.

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15 Comments  •  Comments Feed

  1. Rosa says:

    Delightful! I love the candied orange slices.



  2. Krista says:

    I had never eaten semolina (apart from occasional baking) before coming to Australia, but I like it so much now, especially as porridge in winter. I will have to try this pudding of yours!

  3. Anonymous says:

    How long did the oranges take to get candied for you?

  4. paul zeidan says:

    Hi Joumana
    love your blog, this is my favourite. is this what we call “smediya”. my mother and my aunty would make this both cooked like this and sometimes baked in the oven

    • Joumana says:

      @paul zeidan: Glad you like it! It would make perfect sense to call it by this name since it is made with smeed. I have heard other names too, like madloukeh/ I keep seeing this over and over, dishes called by different names depending on the region. Take hreesseh, in Jbeil it is the dessert called nammoura elsewhere. or sage (the herb) called meramyeh in the South and Chouf and aspen in the North.

  5. Sylva T. says:

    Seriously good pudding and addictive.

  6. Susan says:

    I am also guilty to buying for things I want to make and then forgetting about them. Wonderful idea to make a semolina pudding. I love the candied orange slices! Not only delicious but they are beautiful too.

  7. lara says:

    j’espere que tout se passe bien pour vous:)
    j’ai achete de la farine de pois chiche (apres des fouilles archeologiques pour en trouver ,j’ai fini par en avoir dans une boutique bio )
    je compte faire des galette au zaatar en utilisant une pate de farine de pois chiche . est ce qu’il suffit de remplacer la farine de ble par la farine de pois chiche ? faut il modifier qqch a la recette standard de pate ? (j’utilise votre recette : 3 verre de farine , un verre d’eau chaude , 2 cas d’huile , de la levure et du sel )
    voila voila !
    merci beaucoup et bon weekend ^^

    • Joumana Accad says:

      @lara: désolée du retard! Mais j’ai de bonnes excuses. mon site ne marchait plus! En ce qui concerne la farine de pois-chiches, elle donnera une pâte friable, mais bonne, un peu comme la socca niçoise, donc pas besoin de levure. Le plus simple c’est de mélanger les deux farine, avec un peu de levure si on veut.

  8. Maria says:

    This seems like cream of wheat, when I was in Switzerland we used to eat it with Grenadine syrup. That was delicious, I will try your recipe it must be good

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