Shrimp salad
April 26, 2015 • Category: Main Dish, Salads, Fish/Seafood

Celebrity global French chef, chef of all chefs, Alain Ducasse, did something stunning. No he did not throw his toque into his fireplace. He simply removed all meat items from his menu. La planète a des ressources rares, il faut la consommer plus éthiquement, plus équitablement (Planet earth has limited resources, one must use them more ethically and more fairly). WOW!
What is your reaction to this decision from one of the most influential chefs in the world? Personally, I am very happy about it and hope others will follow.
A shrimp salad for today’s meal seems fitting then.

Shrimp salad
Joumana Accad Mediterranean, Middle Eastern April 26, 2015 Main Dish, Salads, Fish/Seafood, salad, light, easy, healthy, shrimp, tagged,4 servings
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Passive Time: 10 minutes
1 pound shrimp, peeled uncooked
1/2 cup chili oil or olive oil
1 whole avocado peeled
2 large lemons squeezed
1 cup chickpeas cooked (if canned, rinsed, drained)
8 ounces arugula, chopped or fresh spinach, chopped
1 teaspoon sea salt to taste
1. Heat the chili oil in a large skillet over medium heat and cook the shrimps till pink, about 3 minutes. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add the greens, chickpeas, sliced avocado and toss gently. Sprinkle with the lemon, salt to taste and the chili oil. Serve immediately.
Recipe Notes
NOTE: Add more oil or lemon as needed.
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8 Comments • Comments Feed
Sarah Galvin (All Our Fingers in the Pie) says:
It is a bold move bordering on grandstanding. I don’t believe that all our world food problems arise from eating meat. Let’s see what fish and seafood choices he makes. Does that include chicken? Interesting approach.
On April 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Joumana says:
@Sarah Galvin (All Our Fingers in the Pie). It may be a publicity stunt, who knows, I need to read more on it. For one, it is so far only in one restaurant, the one in Paris and I think it is only including red meat. I agree with you and believe that our world food problems are way more complex and more challenging to solve than pulling meat from a menu.
On April 26, 2015 at 7:07 pm
Rosa says:
A droolworthy salad! So fresh and delicious.
On April 27, 2015 at 8:20 am
Toffeeapple says:
I wouldn’t mind if I never had to eat meat again but I wonder how long this bold move will last?
On April 27, 2015 at 3:15 pm
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On April 28, 2015 at 11:20 am
Susan says:
Yes, bold decision indeed! It will be interesting to see if people will continue to dine at the restaurant. Love the combination of shrimp and arugula – my favorite green right now.
On April 28, 2015 at 5:15 pm
Joumana says:
@Susan: I love arugula too! Much more than spinach (raw) in salads. Yes, time will tell!
@Toffeeapple: I feel the same exact way!
On April 28, 2015 at 6:12 pm
Oui, Chef says:
Ducasse has never been afraid to lead from his kitchen, I’ll be curious to see how many other chefs follow.
On May 9, 2015 at 1:09 pm