Wild dill (Shomar)
April 21, 2015 • Category: Pantry

In the Spring and into the early Summer, wild edible herbs and flowers are to be found all over the mountains in Lebanon. Amongst them, wild dill (shomar), is commonly made into fritters in the rural areas and villages. All it takes is one walk and thirty minutes later, a bounty of dill can be brought home. I like to use it in fritters, sure, but also in rice (like the Iraqis and Iranians do) or bulgur pilafs, in soups, in stuffed veggies (like the Greeks), with fish (like salmon). Dill can be laid out and dried or it can be shoved into a bag and frozen (my favorite method). Tomorrow, I will be making some fritters. Stay tuned.
FYI, dill is high in magnesium and potassium, is a good diuretic (you can infuse some in hot water and drink it as a tea); it cleans the urinary tract and is a good anti-inflammatory.
5 Comments • Comments Feed
Anjum says:
Excellent, never realised the health benefits too, thank you
On April 22, 2015 at 12:06 am
lulu says:
Hi, where can I find dill in Lebanon, as in I couldn’t find it from the local vendor in my area. thanks.
On July 17, 2016 at 10:09 am
Jasmine says:
Merci pour votre intéressant site de recettes et de cuisine libanaise.
On July 28, 2016 at 4:54 pm
Adriana says:
I wonder if you are still living in Texas? I live north of Houston and would love to have some seeds of Lebanese wild dill, if you have any to share.
On April 27, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Joumana Accad says:
@Adriana: I am mostly in Lebanon these days, but I will ask if its possible to get seeds of the wild dill. I know a few farmers here in the Chouf.
On May 28, 2017 at 7:11 pm