Biscotti (chocolate and orange)
January 9, 2009 • Category: Cookies

These days I feel like retiring to a deserted island somewhere, never ever watching the news and just listening to the sound of the waves nearby. So I head to the kitchen instead and bake a batch of biscotti! ( easy fix for big and insoluble problems ). I have been baking biscotti for years, tweaking and tweaking recipes until I settled on this version because it is sinful (chocolate) but lean (no butter or oil) and the addition of orange rind and blossom water make me feel like I am basking in the mediterranean sun…
3 eggs, size Large
1 cup of granulated sugar
2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 Tablespoon baking powder
Pinch salt (optional)
Rind of 3 large oranges
6 and up to 12 oz. 60% dark chocolate chips or chocolate bar chopped up coarsely
Flavoring: 1 Tablespoon of orange flower water
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon of either Calvados or Grand Marnier
1) Break the eggs into a large standing mixing bowl. Add the sugar and mix the eggs and sugar a bit. Warm some water through the tap and fill up a bowl with the water, then place the bowl containing the eggs and sugar on top, without letting the water seep in. The idea is to warm up the egg mixture. After about 5 minutes, place the eggs and sugar in a standing mixer and beat for about 10 minutes until the mixture is very thick and pale yellow and forms a ribbon. Stop and lift the beater. Add the flavorings. Remix for a few seconds.
2) Mix the flour, baking powder and salt (if using) with a whisk. Sift the flour mixture over the egg mixture then mix the dough every few seconds to make sure all the flour is incorporated. Add the orange rind to the mixture and mix to spread it evenly.
3) Add the chocolate chips last while mixing them gently into the dough.
4) Place the dough onto a pan (rectangular, about 9×13) lined with parchment paper. Smooth out to even the thickness with a spatula. Bake in a preheated 350F oven for 30 minutes or until puffed up and golden.
5) With a serrated knife, cut logs in 1/4 in. slices. Place the slices next to each other in a cookie sheet in a very slow oven (170 to 215F) for 30 minutes or more, until the slices are totally dry and crisp. That’s it!
The cookies will keep in a metal, glass or plastic container for a good 3 weeks.
The flavoring can be adjusted according to your preferences and what is available in your pantry, so you can omit the liquors and use orange extract or vanilla or both.
This recipe will yield about 50 cookies.
2 Comments • Comments Feed
Nick says:
Fantastic photo!
On January 9, 2009 at 4:59 pm
leif Hagen says:
I love biscotti, too! With a cup of good coffee!
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Please visit again!
On August 7, 2009 at 6:04 am